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Purpose-driven Business Spotlight: LettUs Grow


There are around 400 B Corps in the UK, with Bristol being the second largest hub (outside of London). As more businesses strive to become certified, this number continues to grow. So, in order to celebrate the local companies who have achieved, or are in the process of achieving, B Corp status, we’d like to take the opportunity to bring attention to their efforts.

This week we’re looking at indoor farming technology provider LettUs Grow.

What is the business about?

LettUs Grow was founded in 2015 by University of Bristol graduates Charlie Guy, Jack Farmer and Ben Crowther. The company’s mission is to reduce the carbon footprint of fresh produce by growing it closer to its point of consumption. To do this they’ve developed their own patent-pending aeroponic technology and their own farm management software, Ostara, which together have expanded the potential for sustainable urban food production.

In layman’s terms, aeroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. Unlike traditional hydroponic systems, however, the plant roots are not directly exposed to water. Instead, they are suspended in the air and sprayed with a nutrient-laden mist.

Growing produce this way uses up to 95% less water than outdoor farming and 90% less space. It also reduces the need for pesticides and has the added advantage that it produces no fertiliser runoff.

How is LettUs Grow using business as a force for good?

LettUs Grow has adopted a clear triple bottom line approach to business (people, planet, profit), and has even gone as far as to add a fourth ‘p’ into the framework too: plants. They recognise that indoor farming can be beneficial on multiple fronts and have outlined this in their 2020 Annual Impact Report. Here are just some of the ways they’re working to be a force for good…


Vertical farming has a much smaller environmental impact than traditional farming. It uses fewer resources and boosts food security, making it a much more sustainable method of food production.


LettUs Grow gets all of its energy from renewable sources. They have also worked in partnership with Octopus Energy to create a 100% renewable energy Vertical Power Tariff for their customers.


LettUs Grow has been supporting their local community throughout the COVID-19 crisis by donating fresh produce to food redistribution charities. They’ve also made an effort to diversify their workforce to ensure that women, refugees, asylum seekers and those from the LGBTQ and BAME communities are all represented in the tech industry.

What does the future hold for LettUs Grow?

The business is continuing to work towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and has identified a number of objectives for the year ahead, including providing unconscious bias training for all employees and adding a new Sustainability Policy into their company handbook.

On top of this, with the support of Business On Purpose, they’ve submitted their B Corp application and are hoping to be certified by the end of the year.

For more information about LettUs Grow visit their website here:

And for more information about becoming certified visit the website:

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