Plan B
There are many ways in which a company can have a positive impact on people and planet. Below are a few ways to access the support and guidance needed to use your business as a force for good.
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Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Improve your organisation’s culture by embedding equity to create a thriving community. This programme takes a staged and systems thinking approach to learning, development and consultation on Diversity, Inclusion, Cohesion and Equality. Applying reflective practice when building the foundational knowledge of participants. For impactful and long lasting behavioural change.

Employee Ownership
The Programme takes a business along the four strands that are key to making a long term sustainable business. The end of the Programme sees the final transition into an Employee Ownership Trust. However, it is important to acknowledge that the vast majority of the changes will benefit any businesses, whether or not they become employee owned.

Insights that Empower Positive Change
Utilise simple to use, cost effective research tools to engage with your business stakeholders and evidence your positive impact now and over time.
Whether it is your customers, your employees, your suppliers or any other stakeholder group, this market research service will take the strain of collecting the data that can feed into your ESG KPIs and become part of your impact report.

Payroll Support for Employees
Embrace the latest technologies and faster payments to enable a highly efficient automated payroll process and outsourced payroll bureau service.
Give your employees a modern, flexible and engaging experience for getting paid: including on-demand pay, and interactive money management & guidance.

HR Advice and Support
Need a cost effective and flexible HR package, where you will not reach a helpline but will speak with the same fully qualified and insured, legally trained HR Consultant on all queries. Together we can work to understand exactly what is needed with our trusted HR Partner so that you only pay for what you need at that point in time.

Every business needs a powerful and appealing vision of the future and a supporting mission statement in order to build sustainable success. Our creative workshop stops your mission becoming stale by injecting new creative stimuli and framing how you express and articulate it, inside and out.
At the end of the session, you’ll have:
A powerfully articulated mission that is concise, easy to understand and motivating for the whole organisation.
A mission statement that will set out the organisation’s direction, inspire your existing team as well as attracting new talent and potential investment.

Sustainable Branding
Are you a force for good but no one knows? Do your customers and audience perceive your brand as being sustainable, purposeful and positive? It’s never been more important to have your whole brand line up with your mission, vision and purpose. Therefore, through strategy and creative design, you can make sure that sustainability is a core part of your brand’s visual identity, and at the heartbeat of all your communications and touch points with customers.
It’s time to build a better brand.

Most Sustainable Workplace Index
The biggest challenges for organisations in maintaining progress on B Corp and meeting sustainability and climate targets are often how to genuinely engage workforces, support behaviour change and shift cultures. The Most Sustainable Workplace Index enables you to understand the factors affecting engagement and motivation in your workforce on sustainability.
Through this insight and support around action planning and capability building they can help build and implement an effective workforce development plan following B Corp accreditation. When you understand what your people need to step into action, you can bring them with you on your B Corp journey and beyond.
Supports: B Corp Governance and Worker Pillars

Menopause Help and Support
77% of women experience one or more menopausal symptoms they describe as ‘very difficult’. It is important to remember menopause is not just hot flushes. 44% of women found that their quality work has been significantly impacted. *
Help is at hand with private menopause consultations (online of in person) and a range of menopause supplements have been created by a menopause specialist.
If you are a business owner or in charge of corporate wellbeing, menopause clinics can be provided to employees at your place of work as well as menopause, menstrual health and wellbeing talks to educate senior leaders and/or the whole work force. Effective workplace policies in menopause, menstrual health and wellbeing can also be written.
* The Fawcett Society in 2022

Workplace Development
Our training and workplace development is designed to support organisations striving to make ethical choices, achieve success, and enhance their financial performance.
Our training and workplace development is designed to support organisations striving to make ethical choices, achieve success, and enhance their financial performance. Our work is designed to align principles with prosperity, for forward-thinking organisations ready to revolutionise their approach to workplace learning and leadership. We understand the pulse of modern businesses, acknowledging that a dynamic culture, the strategic nurturing of talent, adept handling of adversity, and the promotion of social mobility are not just buzzwords but vital components of sustained success.
We are a straight-talking, action-oriented organisation that equips you with tangible solutions to business and employment challenges. We provide you with practical training, leadership tools, and organisational development strategies that you can implement throughout your organisation.
Join us in reshaping the future of your business as we delve into the intricacies of fostering a dynamic culture that fuels innovation, attracting talent that propels growth, weathering adversity with resilience, promoting social mobility for a diverse and inclusive workforce, and mastering the art of performance management for unparalleled success.

People Development and Volunteering Combo
You want (read ‘need’) to develop your people. You have volunteering ambitions. You care about wellbeing. And yet…
You are a small business without the necessary resource to address these things internally, or hire expensive, generic consultancies. Your people are ‘too busy’ to step away from their day-to-day, or not engaged with volunteering efforts, resulting in a low uptake of the two days a year you have allocated to volunteering.
We help you seize the fantastic opportunity of providing career development for your people, and to do so via bespoke volunteering experiences. Not only does this support the Workers and Community requirements of your B Impact Assessment, but depending on the kind of volunteering that you want to be involved in, you could also increase your impact in both Environment and Governance. It has huge value-add, for both you, your people and your community.
On top of that, it’s tailored to your people’s development needs and values. There’s nothing generic about what we do!

Employee financial wellbeing
At the same time, around 14% of the adult population (7.1 million people) are financially excluded, meaning they could potentially struggle to access affordable and fair financial services.

Carbon Reduction Plan
Create a plan to make everyone involved in your business aware of environmental impact. Calculate your business carbon emissions for the year against a range of emissions sources and greenhouse gasses.
Create a low-hassle, low-cost way to manage your environmental impacts with tailored environmental policies and plans, green certification and support for becoming a net zero business.
Carbon Footprinting
Help your employees consider and cut carbon to build a culture with sustainability at its core. Calculate the amount of greenhouse gasses produced by your organisation’s actions.
Get your free personal guide to understand and reduce your carbon footprint and access our comprehensive science-based calculator on an easy-to-use, beautiful app.
Carbon Offsetting
When you have an awareness of your carbon emissions, compensate for them by making proportional reductions in the atmosphere’s net carbon. You can do this through participating in schemes such as those who invest in tree planting or similar projects.
This allows you to compensate for your carbon footprint, fund climate projects, set yourself eco goals and monitor your progress through your profile.
Carbon Literacy Training
Carbon Literacy Training is essential to equip your employees with the language, tools and confidence to respond to the climate emergency.
This certified 8hr course (over 2 days) can be delivered online or in person and gives a thorough understanding of the science behind climate change, the impacts of everyday business actions and crucially, the actions we can take. Delegates make 2 pledges to kick start their carbon journey. Packed with resources and interaction, this course is an eye opener for many and a great tool for engagement and action.
Sustainable Insurance
Commercial insurance is often described as the fuel which powers business. No organisation, however large or small, can trade without insurance coverage and this is why insurance companies hold 25% of the country’s assets on their balance sheet. Such huge financial resources wield massive influence, however there is truly little transparency provided to customers on their insurers sustainability credentials and how they deploy those assets.
Our proposition is designed to support established, sustainability focused businesses with an advice led, whole of market, commercial insurance service. Our proprietary sustainability index allows us to show our customers how impactful their insurers are and allows them to include sustainability as part of their insurance buying decisions.