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Leadership credibility


Can a company really be a leader in a movement to use business as a force for good, for instance, if they are not taking meaningful action on climate? If they are not addressing issues of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion for the particular context where they operate?

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting needs to become much more mainstream. There are moves to change the law so that this becomes the norm but, in the meantime, there is nothing to stop companies from doing this, just because it’s the right thing to do.

We need to be able to articulate what it means to be a force for good in a meaningful, impactful, and consistent way.

Any ESG tool needs to be customisable enough to a particular company’s context, be it region, size, country, or industry.

There needs to be continuous improvement demonstrated by a company as a requirement of any certification.

There is growing consensus, and awareness, of the climate emergency. There is a global health pandemic threatening our health and well-being. People are taking to the streets to more clearly identify ongoing racial injustice and demand action to address it. And combined with all of these issues, there has been no greater moment of awareness and recognition, not only of the collective work of the B Corp movement, but the importance of the goals they seek – to reset our economic system to be more inclusive, equitable, and regenerative.

Join us today to be the change that the world needs.

If not us, who?

If not now, when?

Take action, make a difference, be deliberate, be purposeful. Be the change.

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