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50 Cash flow tips – Survive to Thrive

It’s a challenging time for Small Business and a wild time to be a business owner right now.

COVID-19 has impacted the globe unlike anything in a very long time, and every business is feeling the effects, directly or indirectly.

Move from Surviving to Thriving

Reassess – what situation is your business in now, compared to how it was before the significant challenge arrived? Make a list of the main challenges and try to quantify the impact of these over the next 2 to 3 months (short term).

The Extraordinarily Ordinary

It’s amazing how much we take for granted until a crisis comes. Then even the smallest things seem to be even more precious. The ordinary can then quickly become extraordinary.

Caring Wins

So, often I’ve heard nasty comments in the business arena followed by the phrase – “It’s just business, don’t take it personally”. Thankfully they have not always been directed at me but it can be hard to deal with those feelings of hurt and frustration when you are only trying to please the client!

Telling The Right Story

It’s one of the things I hear, A LOT… and it’s proven. If you get your story straight you’ll attract the right kind of clients. Unfortunately, it can be hard to get your story straight when you are busy writing it.

Cause-driven, Not Cash-driven

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that believe in global warming and those that don’t. How about both sides of the argument working together? It’s called stewardship… otherwise known as taking care of what’s in your hand. You don’t have to believe to do the right thing, just take care.