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Balancing Profit and Purpose

Profit = Purpose

In light of current challenges, how are we considering the impact of our decisions on our workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment?

Social Value & Sustainability Are the New Digital

Girl in Sunset

The global population is the youngest it’s ever been, with 50 percent of the world aged 30 or under, and the top issues for this group are social value and climate change. In fact, nearly nine out of 10 Gen Z’s are worried about social value and the environment

Actions Speak Louder Than Words


If we want to be conscious capitalists who use business as a force for good, what exactly does that look like in practice? What does a mission-driven business that wants to help people and protect the environment do differently compared to one that is focused solely on profits?

A Season to Sow

For over a decade I was fortunate enough to live in a pretty little village in Devon on the South coast surrounded by fantastic farmland.

Coronavirus – Fear or Hope

Fear is real when you are facing the unknown but living in hope is better. So, here are ten tips to help you in the hope department and put everything into perspective.