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Living with 2020 Vision


Whilst nobody really predicted the challenges due to the global pandemic, if we are able to learn lessons and have 2020 vision for the next year, what would we want that to look like?

Build Back Better or a return to Business As Usual?

We are truly at a fork in the road where we can choose our future direction.

We can choose to move ahead carrying the baggage of our past where shareholder capitalism ruled along with prejudice, injustice and an ever increasing divide between rich and poor or we can purposefully plot a route to a more equitable world based on different values.

A journey where we consider our decisions through the lens of People and Planet, rather than just Profit. A journey where we increase our social and environmental impact in a positive way.

It’s been a privilege to walk this pathway with a number of businesses and friends over recent months as they work towards their B Corp Certification and in doing so are making the decisions necessary and evidencing the impact that they are making to be a force for good.

As we walk towards this new direction we will need hope, courage and determination to be purposeful with our thoughts, words and actions.

I look forward to sharing in this journey with you all and to playing a small part in supporting, challenging and encouraging you along the way.

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