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Purpose Driven Business Spotlight: 500 More


Since its inception in 2006, nearly 4000 businesses have signed up and successfully become part of the B Corp movement. These companies, though quite different in function, are all tied together by a core ethos: to balance profit with people and planet.

B Corps commit to meeting the highest social and environmental standards. They pride themselves on a culture of transparency, accountability and sustainability which helps them build trust with and provide value for their stakeholders.

There are around 400 B Corps in the UK alone, with Bristol being the second largest hub (outside of London). As more businesses strive to become certified, this number continues to grow. So, in order to celebrate the local companies who have achieved, or are in the process of achieving, B Corp status, we’d like to take the opportunity to bring attention to their efforts.

Starting off this series we have tech company 500 More.

What is the business about?

500 More, as their website states, are experts in digital innovation. They develop apps, websites and other software for businesses (both small and large) who need assistance building and implementing digital solutions for Health, Wellbeing and Social purposes.

The company was founded in 2019 and is located in UWE Bristol’s Future Space innovation centre.

Why did 500 More pursue B Corp certification? And when did this occur?

500 More is a strong proponent of purposeful innovation. The business has consistently made it clear that software development, especially in the HealthTech field, has the potential to change and improve lives. So, to further support local communities and to truly deliver value to their users, they decided to seek accreditation.

In April 2021, with the help of Business On Purpose, 500 More submitted their B Corp Impact Assessment for review. By becoming a B Corp certified business, they hope to outwardly demonstrate their commitment to not just their stakeholders, but the wider environment too.

Greg Smart from 500 More said “The B-Corp impact assessment is challenging for a small organisation to complete. Andy from Business On Purpose gave us the support and framework we needed to tackle it in a structured way and the weekly sessions with our cohort provided encouragement to stick with the task. His pragmatic advice helped us to focus on what was important and gave confidence that we were on the right track”.

How is 500 More using business as a force for good?

HealthTech innovators are dedicated to putting their user’s needs first. They believe that software can only be considered effective if it is truly catering to the demands of those who use it.

500 More works alongside entrepreneurs to help them achieve their technological goals and to get to the heart of what users really want. They have a triple bottom line approach to business and recognise that a large part of their purpose is to support the communities that they are involved in.

For information about 500 More visit their website: For more information about becoming improving your social & environmental impact visit: .



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